Trump “Muslim Ban” Is a Fake News Lie | They Hate Trump More Than Terror...

Trump “Muslim Ban” Is a Fake News Lie | They Hate Trump More Than Terrorism | Obama Started It All

There is no Muslim Ban, even though the Twitter hashtag #MuslimBan is being used by opponents of the EO. The anti-Trumpers want to stop Trump more than they do terrorism. It’s not a Muslim ban. The order bars all people hailing from Iraq, Syria, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen. Those countries were named in a 2016 law concerning immigration visas as “countries of concern.” There is a postponement of entry from 7 countries (Iraq, Syria, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen) previously identified by the Obama administration as posing extraordinary risks. That they are seven majority Muslim countries does not mean there is a Muslim ban, as most of the countries with the largest Muslim populations are not on the list (e.g., Egypt, Indonesia, Malaysia, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Turkey, Nigeria and more). Thus, the overwhelming majority of the Muslim world is not affected.
