Ouch!!! Elizabeth Warren Silenced! Stop Talking! Go To Your Seat! Humili...
Ouch!!! Elizabeth Warren Silenced! Stop Talking! Go To Your Seat! Humiliated! You're Done Here!
This was amazing! Warren told to go back to her seat like a child in a classroom! She was stunned and speechless! It seems that the republicans have been pushed too far and they are pulling out the pitchforks.Elizabeth Warren was told that she violated Rule 19 which basically prevents a Senator from making inflammatory and degrading remarks about another senator. Specifically, Rule 19 states that impugning a fellow Senator on the floor is a violation of the rule and if backed up by the chairman and a second senator! Mitch McConnell stepped in and shut her down! The violating senator must sit down and shut up for the remainder of the Confirmation Hearing! How sweet to see Elizabeth Warren silenced due to her constant nonsensical rambling!
I included one of Warren’s rant’s so you can see how significant this reprimand was! She was silenced!
I included one of Warren’s rant’s so you can see how significant this reprimand was! She was silenced!
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