Over 70 Pizzagate Pedophile Arrests Coming Says FBI Insider!

Next week should be very interesting. The person claiming to be an FBI insider says we might see high profile suicides over the next few days. We don’t have long to wait to see if this is accurate.

(this is the information being posted on 4chan by a source claiming to be an FBI/DOJ Insider)

Dropping a small piece of information, take it however you may. I will not provide any picture’s for proof as I don’t feel like clearing metadata. I likely will not reply back to any questions, unless they are questions I do not mind answering.

Information was finally submitted from the FBI to the DOJ today at 3pm. Mr. Sessions was briefed 3 weeks ago as to the investigation in its entirety. Once assumes his position, arrest warrants will be signed, and arrests will be made. This is also why the Democratic Party in DC has been fighting the Sessions vote. Panic.

Furthermore, starting Monday or Tuesday of next week, you will begin to start seeing arrests of individuals. Over 30 politicians (many are household names), and over 40 other individuals throughout DC, VA and also a handful in NYC. Some may off their selves before they are apprehended, so keep a eye out for that over the weekend, and you will know they are involved in some manner.

The child paedophilia ring / sex trafficking arrests California was not related, at least no evidence yet to suggest that it was. May be wrong has people begin to talk, or make deals on the matter.
#Pizzagate #CometPingPong #BringDownTheRing #LittleLivesMatter
