We Need To Talk About Sandy -Hoax- Hook

The Sandy Hook Fraud, The Sandy Hoax that we all knew was a Staged Shooting has been Completely Exposed !!

by many people, including +Montagraph - as Govt Documents now Prove ,100% Fairy Tale

It's pretty cut and dry, that the ENTIRE event on 12/14/12 was just another Lie pushed on the American peoplehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nVPtpgzSc90 by the Press and the Govt as a means for Gun Control https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PIuwqHBdS0c

Don't forget. Poor Pozner died twice. He was killed AGAIN in a Pakistani school shooting. He hadn't aged a day and he had a new name too. SAME PHOTO though. http://www.dcclothesline.com/2015/01/03/sandy-hook-child-victim-noah-pozner-killed-twice-also-victim-pakistan-taliban-shooting/


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