Las Vegas Shooting - Police Admit Their Official Story Was Wrong - Vegas...

*Las Vegas Shooting - Police Admit Their Official Story Was Wrong - Vegas Investigation Part 5*

All week, Las Vegas Shooting investigators with the LVMPD pushed one theory very hard.  Now they have admitted they were wrong and are trying a new theory - one which makes as little sense as the original story.  Do they not know what they are talking about?  Are they lying?  Or is the FBI making them change their story?  Even CNN and mainstream media outlets are calling out the Vegas Police for screwing this investigation up so bad... and that's really saying something!

NB: 4chan user who ppl coined MegaAnon claims that Campos probably doesn’t exist. Big things being said on 4chan, Jake, you can find it all on Reddit r/conspiracy. Also, when users searched the PILB database in Nevada for Larry Jesus Campos (his full name), he is working for CSC, a security company who works concerts, NOT HOTELS! But now, if you try to go on there and search the database, it says it’s UNDER CONSTRUCTION. Look more into Campos, Jake, there’s more to him, or if he even exists!
