People trying to come to my house! DO NOT GO TO VIDEO MAKERS HOUSES

UPDATE 730pm April 7 2018

We have a partial answer as to the TWO people who came by.... but no resolution on the other person / woman .

The two people who came by are people I've never met, and were able to find my address by triangulating my position using my WEBCAMS looking into the woods / lake.

They told me who they are, and apologized for stopping by. They said they're sorry, and that they didn't mean to freak us out.

Simply put, to everyone out there...

Don't come to my house. For that matter, don't ever go to ANY video makers house without being invited.

Coming from across the country to backwoods Missouri to find me? Trying to get past armed guards at the gate by knowing my address? Trying to gain access to see a youtube video maker who isn't expecting (or asking for) visitors?

DO NOT COME TO VIDEO MAKERS HOMES UNINVITED. Many things can go wrong, and as the video maker we can't trust strangers intentions.

This is common sense practice. Do not attempt to gain entry to someones community if its gated, or access to a strangers house so you can meet them, or whatever your intention might be.

Best case scenario people just want to "meet" and say hi. But then what? What if you hate me and have a gun ? What if you want to steal my possessions?

I have no faith in peoples good intentions at this point, no offense to the general public, but if I don't know you.. and you show up to my house uninvited.. I'm assuming your intentions are not exactly in my best interest unless proven otherwise.

I don't want to be a public figure, and I never expected my youtube to grow to a level where people do this sort of thing. After discussing things with family, friends, and getting some legal advise, if I don't want public attention, then I need to leave the public square. Hence the live stream and video making is now ceasing to a basic level.


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