Melanie Phillips: How the media manipulates truth

The Speakers Action Group presented Melanie Phillips at Bennett Jones Law Offices with her talk entitled “The World Turned Upside Down: The Role of the Media”. Melanie Phillips has made a career of not bowing to the will of the public on controversial issues. Her new book, Guardian Angel: My Journey from Leftism to Sanity, chronicles her experience being “excommunicated” from the mainstream progressive movement while working for the Guardian newspaper in the UK. Her staunch independence and refusal to play party politics have put her at the center of some of Britain’s most important debates from immigration to Brexit. Experience this “lunch and learn” with one of the UK’s most important political commentators in an intimate setting.

00:00 - 02:11 - Introduction by Rick Orzy, Bennett Jones

02:12 - 04:54 - Introduction by Daniel Bordman, Speakers Action Group

04:54 - 53:30 - Melanie Phillips, main lecture

53:31 - 01:23:14 - Q&A
