Dead Men Tell No Tales

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Intel Operative who Altered Obama’s Passport Records Turned FBI Informant on Boss John Brennan, Then Turned Up Murdered in D.C.

Update: 7.24.18 —  High-Ranking DC Metro Police Not Interested in Renewing Homicide Investigation. per conversations with True Pundit ***

A key witness in a federal probe into Barack Obama’s passport information stolen and altered from the State Department was gunned down and killed in front of a District church in D.C.

Lt. Quarles Harris Jr., 24, who had been cooperating with a federal investigators, was found late at night slumped dead inside a car. He was reportedly waiting to meet with FBI agents about his boss John Brennan.

Back in March 2008, the State Department launched an investigation of improper computer access to the passport records of Barack Hussein Obama, and days later those of Hillary Clinton and John McCain. The investigation centered on one employee: a contract worker for a company that was headed by Brennan, a key Obama campaign adviser who later became assistant to the president and deputy national security adviser for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism. Ultimately Brennan was appointed CIA director.

First, Obama’s passport records were accessed and altered. Then days later — likely to provide cover — Brennan’s private Intel company accessed Clinton’s and McCain’s records as the State Department had already flagged the Obama breach by that time.

Brennan’s company accessed and altered Obama’s passport BEFORE the 2008 presidential election, while Brennan was also working on Obama’s campaign team. After the election, Brennan took a job inside the White House.

A month after the passport breach the key witness in this case was murdered. Harris was shot in the head in his car, in front of his church.

Lt. Harris told federal investigators before he was murdered that he received “passport information from a co-conspirator who works for the U.S. Department of State.” What became of the “co-conspirator”? Why wasn’t he/she brought to trial?

There is no way to tell what might have been done to Obama’s passport records by those who accessed them.  Key information could have been altered or destroyed.  On April 8, 2008, after the breach became public, Obama confessed to having taken a trip to Pakistan in 1981.  The then-candidate said: “I traveled to Pakistan when I was in college.”  Journalist Jake Tapper was surprised and said: “This last part — a college trip to Pakistan — was news to many of us who have been following the race closely. And it was odd that we hadn’t hear about it before, given all the talk of Pakistan during this campaign.”

Did Obama confess to this trip, which he doesn’t mention in either of his autobiographies, because of the passport breach?

Or did Brennan simply erase the trip from Obama’s passport records through his role as CEO of Intel contractor Analysis Corp, where Brennan worked between his CIA career and Obama’s White House on Brennan’s journey to CIA head?

Only Brennan’s employee Lt. Quarles Harris knows. And the FBI.

And dead men tell no tales. Especially in D.C. Just ask Seth Rich.

And the FBI cannot be trusted.

Unsolved murder.

Case closed.
